Monday, September 10, 2012

Grayson's New Ride

Grayson and Brianna: Ready to ride!
God cares about the details. Again and again over the past 5 months, we have seen Him affirm our decision to join Wycliffe Bible Translators and open doors to make going to Papua New Guinea (PNG) possible. Selling our house, providing a rental home without a lease, finding great homes for our dogs, and most recently, giving us this motorcycle.

Matt heard from Andrew Koens, the head motorcycle mechanic at Ukarumpa( , who gave us a list of suggestions for motorcycles that would be great bikes there. It's often easiest to get around the mud roads at the center with a bike.We decided that a Yamaha TW200 would best suit our needs, so we started looking for one to ship to PNG. Matt searched for weeks, but couldn't find the right one within 300 miles of us! We then realized we hadn't been asking for one  - we were trying to do it on our own. We contacted some of our friends to pray for the right motorcycle for us, and within a week a friend called us...

"I found your bike!", said Doug.

When Matt asked, "Where?!", he said in Deep Gap, which is right next door to us! It was in great condition and we paid less than we had planned to pay.

When Matt pulled up with the motorcycle in the back of his truck, Grayson was standing in the yard and he pointed to it and said, "A motorcycle!". There's not much cooler in this world to a 2 1/2 year-old boy! Matt's "cool dad" points when way up that day.

1 comment:

  1. The Lord's provision is always perfect. :~) Blessings on you guys as you prepare for your cross-global move!
